Training Courses

All CDT programmes have been created and are regularly updated by personnel currently employed Inshore and Offshore

Each course will be conducted by a training team that still works in industry, ensuring the accuracy of information presented, relevance of skills taught and safety operation of the dive site.

Shared accommodation ashore is included during your training.  There are NO additional hidden costs on our courses.

Commercial Diving Aptitude Day

For those serious about a career as a commercial diver, the opportunity to visit us and undertake an open water dive in equipment actually used in industry is invaluable.

HSE Air Diver Course – 10 weeks

All our training courses are available individually.  However, by enrolling in the HSE Commercial Air Diver course we also offer a complete personal equipment package with significant savings and extra benefits.

HSE Professional Scuba (including FAW & O2)

To train existing divers to undertake media, scientific and archaeological projects, as well as prepare candidates for the HSE Surface Supplied Course

HSE Surface Supplied Diver

To train existing Professional SCUBA divers to undertake Inshore Construction, Inspection and Shipping diving projects, as well as prepare candidates for the HSE Offshore Top-Up Course

HSE Offshore Top Up

To train existing Surface Supplied Divers to undertake dives from a Wet Bell, utilising Hot Water Suits, in support of Offshore Diving Operations (Oil & Gas/Renewables) from Dynamically Positioned vessels (DP).